We had another ice storm hit early this morning and we're expecting snow tonight. That should make for a nice Drive for Andy as he leaves town for work tomorrow morning.
Since we're cooped up together again today, I decided to break my own rules this morning and let the boys eat popcorn before lunch and watch Little Mermaid. I left to throw another load of laundry in the dryer and came back to this.... I don't know how or when the "accidents happen" basket left my side in the laundry room and went into the bonus room and how in the world they both got settled in there....well, I'll never know.
And here's a couple shots of Drake and I playing hide & seek, while I cooked dinner and Dane took a bath this evening. Dane is still working on taking naps without diapers...we've got a long way to go, but I figure the smell of urine will eventually grow on me. *smile*
We're feeling down and out (well 3 of us are, I'm fortunately out of this loop so far). Andy took off work yesterday and took "D" boys to the pediatrician...after a very long night which ended with both boys in our bed. I never thought I'd say a Queen size bed isn't big enough. In short, both boys are on Amoxicillin. Dane for an ear ache and cold, Drake for a double ear ache and cold. Andy is feeling bad too, but has he gone to the doctor? NO!
I went out of town for Emily's wedding last weekend and appariently at just the right time. It was a much-needed break. It was my 1st time away from Drake and only my 2nd away from Dane...and for two nights. I anticipated a tough time, but I did fine; my tears quickly dried up as I was driving away.
I had a wonderful reunion with some dear friends from childhood.
This Valentine's day we celebrated a day early since I worked the evening of the 14th. It seemed I was more excited than Dane about his party at school. We had his cards made and written out a week before the big day. He did a great job making his box...lots of stamping and coloring...and he kept telling me we needed more tape! His box did have one flaw: I neglected to leave a way to retrieve the items placed in it. So we unwrapped it like a gift, tearing into it when we got home. Hardly a setback worth mentioning. *smile*
I made Andy a special card; I traced both boys' feet and shaped them into a heart. And of course Dane stamped some more on that. Then we made red cake with cream cheese icing...and of course sprinkles.
Drake colored Daddy's card & ate candy, but mostly he played with his new toy...my "accidents happen" laundry basket. Peek-a-boo!
We're having another winter-storm watch; it's cold and icing outside and the fire inside is wonderful. Once "D" boys laid down for their nap this afternoon I began doing some repair sewing on pajama pants I had made for Andy and Dane (Drake isn't rough on his, yet). That kind of got me in the mood to sew some more...hence the pants I turned into a purse. It's especially wonderful since it's a pair of jeans that Dane and Drake both wore. I don't want any responses on how rediculous I am! *smile* Have a wintery day, everyone.
We woke up to 10" of snow (per Andy's measurement) last Friday morning. It was beautiful. Of course when it "warmed" up to 25 degrees we played outside. I leave a lot to be desired when making a snowman...I'm blaming it on the snow consistency not packing well. So then I brought out the shovel and attempted to pile up snow and have Dane help me dig a tunnel that we can crawl through. I remember that being easier when I was a kid; I was on my hands and knees digging with Dane (Drake standing by supervising us) and my pants were wet, my hands were cold and I was DONE! I bribed Dane into going into the house with hot chocolate and marshmellows. Before we had our afternoon heat wave in the 20's, we made tents (one for Dane and one for Drake) in our breakfast nook and great room. And of course we colored another masterpiece. As Dane will explain: "it's Tyranasaurus Rex biting Tricaratops." I don't think I spelled those correctly, but you get the idea. He's really into dinosaurs lately. We have a Dr. Seuss book about them and it was really exciting to see the huge life-like ones at the science center (twice last week). AND, we made our dessert of the week, I let Dane choose when we were looking at my pictures of the desserts I haven't made yet from my monthly Kraft magazine and he kept saying he wanted to make chocolate chip cookies....so we made chocolate chip cookies.
We also had very dear friends join us for that night: Grandma & Grandpa, Courtney & Kelly (and her almost 2 year old son, Henry). Kelly & Henry came all the way from snowy New Hampshire to enjoy more snow in Missouri. Dinner and visiting was wonderful. All three boys played like brothers...kind of sharing, kind of not. *smile* Since "Sharing is hard sometimes" (common quote of Dane's) and Henry is an only child and Drake is now a "biter" we all played referee atleast once. The noise and chaos of having 1, 2 & 3 year old boys playing was awesome.
We've all had those moments when we hear our child say something and then laugh nervously to see other parents' responses....
Well here you go:
At gymnastics Wednesday Dane was doing the stretching exercises with Miss Kathy and the other students. She was having them get into a squat position and then jump up really high to touch the sky. While in the squat position Dane says quite loudly, "This is how we POOP!" Of course it's quiet and Miss Kathy says, "Thank you for sharing Dane", smiles and looks at ME...like I knew he was going to say that or better yet had a remote with a mute button I could have pushed just prior to that coming out of his mouth. I shrugged my shoulders and the other parents laughed. Probably out of relief it wasn't THEIR child. Oh, well...Hakuna Matata!
Since family is my world I thought it was only appropriate that I share this part of me with my extended family and friends. I'm married and we have 2 sons, 2 dogs and a horse. My interests include all sorts of domestic things (crafts, sewing, cooking, quilting, crochetting) and out-doorsy things (camping, gardening, riding horses) and of course working out (running and body-building). Fortunately I've married my best friend who has alot of my interests. Dane is crazy about horses and trains and Drake is crazy about cars and his army toys!