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Raising "D" Boys

The joys of raising Dane & Drake.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Two 1sts

The first 1st:
Last Sunday after church, we loaded up our bikes and took the boys on a bike ride at a park...not just in our neighborhood for a mile to the creek and back, but a ride where we stopped and had a picnic and then road back to the car. They did great. Granted it was only 2 miles, but they have little legs and bikes without gears. And Drake has also graduated from a tricycle to a big boy bike with training wheels; pretty good for a 2 1/2 year old. And of course Dane now has an even bigger boy bike and since he told us he didn't need his training wheels last summer, he's learning to do small tricks on his bike...skid marks are his favorite.

The Second 1st
We took the boys to the circus a couple nights ago. Lots of fun. Neither of them liked cotton candy, they each got a toy, and now T-Bone isn't as spectacular because, "T-Bone doesn't do THAT!" And Dane's right, T-Bone doesn't jump hurdles and ride a bike.

Both boys started to cry when we went to get their face painted; thankfully they refunded our money, we learned clowns ARE scary looking and oh, no elephant rides because Andy's afraid of them as much as I'm afraid of coyotes!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Monster Truck

And just when I thought my little boy was growing up....
I can breath a small sigh, until next time he tells me "Don't help me mom, I can do it myself!"

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Happy St. Patrick's Day

I did the horrible thing of not sending either of my boys to "work" (that's what they call the learning center) without wearing green! And I also went to work not wearing green! What the heck was I thinking!

It's not that I forgot it was St. Patrick's Day; we made green cake the night before. The color didn't deter them, unlike the green catsup a few years ago deterred Andy and I. Remember that? Heinz even came out with purple catsup. I bought both colors and ended up throwing it away; Andy and I couldn't enjoy it, even with our eyes closed!

Anyway, here's the green cake pics:

And after our walk today, we planted some flower seeds in a pot. Dane's been asking about planting flowers for a while and it's a little too soon for me to start our garden. We can bring the pot in if it gets cold. Then I drew an extensive highway system on our driveway. It had passing lanes, stoplights, our church, Wal-Mart and a carwash...who knew you could be so creative with sidewalk chalk. Most of it was their ideas and I just following out their requests. Kids have such a good imagination. That kept them occupied for 3 hours. It's supposed to rain tonight; we'll make a new creation tomorrow!

I'm not tired

Here's our "I'm a big boy now" Dane. He informed us he's not tired and doesn't need a nap; not even "rest time, really mom, I'm not tired". We were making a bon-fire and preparing for red-neck movie night with our projector and garage door (Bolt was the featured film). Andy told Dane to go sit by the fire and wait there while he went to get him marshmellows to roast...upon arrival back at the bon-fire, this is what we found:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

2008 in summary

here's a link to see our 2008 in a summarized form...and believe me, I had trouble narrowing it down to these pictures. I like to think it's because my boys are so photogenic!

and Grandma, order away!