Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Raising "D" Boys: November 2009

Raising "D" Boys

The joys of raising Dane & Drake.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Til we meet again "Fishing Grandpa"

On November 14th the boys and I headed to my Dad's house for a visit and lunch. When I called to tell him we were on our way, my neice answered crying. I then heard a loud noise in the background. She informed me my Dad had a heart attack and the noise was the helicopter air-lifting him out.

My route was redirected to the hospital. That is where I learned the shocking news: my dad didn't have a heart attack, but the cancer in his lungs made him quit breathing and without air his heart stopped. WHAT!?! Cancer? The doctor proceded to inform us about his stage 4 cancer throughout everything in his body (blood, bones, lunges, brain, liver, kidney, tibia, you name it, he listed it). Dad had been informed of this 3 months ago, but didn't tell anyone.

By this time Andy had made it to the hospital. It was opening day of deer season, but I was able to get ahold of him. Emily had my boys at her house. I could focus on my dad. I sat and held his hand. Since we didnt' know the extent of damage from the lack of oxygen the hospital was going to run some tests. Andy went back to St. Louis to get suitcases for all 4 of us. My brother drove Janice back home to Dad's and I stayed at the hospital with Dad. While they did the tests I went and had dinner with Dane and Drake.

Upon arrival back at the hospital I was informed Dad had extensive damage and won't recover. By this time he was having seizures from the brain stem having damage and medicine wasn't controlling them. I knew what to do...I called my brother and sister. At this time my sister had left Virginia and was in the mountains of West Virginia heading our way. Dad was only surviving because of the oxygen tube. I explained to dad we were going to ful-fill his wishes in his living will and I played Kenny Rogers on my I-Phone. I prayed with him and I laid my head on his chest and held his hand.

It was very calm and they way I knew he'd want to go; with his country music and a loved one holding him. Dad, I'll forever miss you and Dane and Drake will always have their wagons, fishing poles, tackle boxes, but most of we'll have their memories.

We love you Dad & Grandpa
pictures from our last camping/fishing trip at the farm...