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Raising "D" Boys

The joys of raising Dane & Drake.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

This is how we...!

We've all had those moments when we hear our child say something and then laugh nervously to see other parents' responses....

Well here you go:

At gymnastics Wednesday Dane was doing the stretching exercises with Miss Kathy and the other students. She was having them get into a squat position and then jump up really high to touch the sky. While in the squat position Dane says quite loudly, "This is how we POOP!" Of course it's quiet and Miss Kathy says, "Thank you for sharing Dane", smiles and looks at I knew he was going to say that or better yet had a remote with a mute button I could have pushed just prior to that coming out of his mouth. I shrugged my shoulders and the other parents laughed. Probably out of relief it wasn't THEIR child. Oh, well...Hakuna Matata!


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