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Raising "D" Boys

The joys of raising Dane & Drake.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tis the Season

Brrrr, we had a wintery weekend...8 inches total in about 24 hours. It was beautiful. Andy's Christmas party was Friday (at our house) and my company Christmas party was Saturday. It probably wasn't a good idea to drive to mine, but we toughed it out and even though we couldn't get our car up the entrance hill to our subdivision to get home it was a nice way to meet one of our neighbors who gave us a ride home. How about THAT positive spin on things! Yes, I'll be taking them goodies to snack on this weekend.

Dane also Sat on Santa's lap again (3 times so far this year) at the library last week during story time. No more tears for him; he's just set on telling Santa what he wants and tells him several times so he gets it right! Drake quickly opted out of sitting on his lap this time.

Grandpa came over last weekend to visit. After a warm lunch and opening presents I gave Dane and Grandpa some gingerbread men to decorate and eat. Drake didn't know he was missing out on anything until they got ready to eat. Notice they have his attention now! Grandpa bought Drake a wagon so Dane wouldn't have to share the one Grandpa got him. That evening we used the wagon and took the boys to see Zoo Lights at the St. Loius Zoo. It was cold, but as you can see the boys are bundled up and we took a break for some hot chocolate and crafts in the middle of our tour.

In case I don't get to write again before next week, I hope everyone has a great Christmas. Happy Birthday Jesus.


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