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Raising "D" Boys

The joys of raising Dane & Drake.

Monday, December 3, 2007

What happened to November?

Well, obviously all my entries for November were lost! Just's been a hectic month and now it's December already. Andy went deer hunting for two weeks in November (we've got 5 deer in our freezer so far). He's leaving for another weekend of hunting this Friday. Dane has started gymnastics on wednesdays. He was a little apprehensive at 1st, but has gotten used to it. Though, he does seem to be the wild child. He does all the activities the instructor has them do but he does little runs around the gym while he waits for his turn again. Hmmm, sounds like his mother, with all that extra energy.

Thanksgiving was nice and relaxing; we decided to stay home since Andy had been gone the previous 2 weekends deer hunting and the boys and I had gone with him the last one. After breakfast and Drake's 1st nap we put up our Christmas decorations and tree...and if Dane could tell you: "We have a train Christmas (Christmas train) around our tree!" We are already on our 2nd set of batteries (6 of them each time!) for the thing. His interest has slowed...a little. The 1st day he wanted to take his nap on the couch so he could sleep with the train and then the next morning he woke up and asked if he could turn it on again. Who knew the thing would be such a hit? I'm buying stock in Duracell.

Drake has not grabbed at an ornament once. Nor has he bothered the train or gifts under the tree. THAT is a complete surprise. He does however like to hold the remote for the "train Christmas" and that causes a huge problem with Dane. Because of course it's "MY" train, NOT Drakie's! And then he grabs it from him, pushes him down and then tells us "it was an accident". Tis the season. *smile*

Last week Dane went to the dentist for the 1st time. We've been singing a Barney brush your teeth song and I've "Tivo'd" the Barney episode where one of the characters is afraid to go to the dentist. In other words I've been prepping him for this 1st visit for atleast a month now...he did awesome and was so proud of himself. Afterwards he got to choose his own toothbrush and toothpaste. It's so funny to hear him explain about them sucking the water out of his mouth. He showed me and he sucked his cheeks in like he was imitating a fish and made a sucking sound. Then he watched me get my check-up and cleaning and held my hand and told me I was doing a "good job" and "it's okay mommy, it's a good doctor". I guess I had it coming, he's been hearing me say that for weeks. And of course I have my proud little 3-year old showing off his smile and goodies from the check-up.

One last thing and then I promise I'm done and you can go get your new prescription glasses....*smirk*

Today we met Andy at the mall during his lunch to get our Santa photo. Dane refused to do it last Friday, so when we were listening to a Christmas cd I bought and he told me he wanted to ask Santa for Jeremy (the helicopter from Thomas the Train...which I can't find ANYWHERE!) I decided to jump on it. I really worked it up and told him he had to show Drake how brave he was and that Santa was a good guy...etc, etc. I figured it would be no problem with Drake since he's my fearless one. Once again, proved wrong: Dane chatted Santa's ear off and Drake screamed. Our Santa photo includes all of us again since we had a screamer and Drake wouldn't go near him unless he was on one of our laps. The lady did a full photo shoot with us to get just the right one where everyone was looking.

So enough said here's some recent pics of "D" boys.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


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