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Raising "D" Boys

The joys of raising Dane & Drake.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


It is with great sadness that we are losing heidi. For those of you who don't know Heidi, we met her at our church. She works in the nursery and during evening events. She has been a part of our life since the boys were born. Heidi began working as our nanny when I went back to work after Drake was born. At that time she warned us she may be leaving in January of 2008 due to her husband (Ryan,then fiance) starting his intern and her needing a full-time job with benefits. So we always knew there may be a time when we say bye....but it's so hard...sniff sniff. Here's a picture I took of Heidi and Ryan when they went to Lake of the Ozarks for us and watched the boys while Andy and I attended a seminar.

Since Heidi was leaving I signed the boys up for the day care Dane went to prior to Drake being born. It's been tough; they've only been 2x, but both times, Drake wouldn't eat and took only a 40 minute nap (he's a 2 hour, 2x/day napper)and Dane cried most of the morning and wouldn't eat lunch either day. I know it will get easier and probably would get easier quicker if they went more than once a week.

It's not as bad as it seems. Dane and Drake still see Heidi at church and she still watches them for our dates, but it's not the same. She used to take the boys to play groups, Magic house, Chuckie Cheese, Butterfly house, Science center, Six Flags, etc. Here's a picture she took of the boys after a fun afternoon:

Heidi called me last night and said she misses the boys and wanted to visit them today. We met her at the library and she joined us for grocery shopping. Both boys lit up and got real excited to see her.

Heidi, we are blessed to have the memories with you and thank you for all the fun times we've had.


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