Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Raising "D" Boys: Christmas: the short version

Raising "D" Boys

The joys of raising Dane & Drake.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas: the short version

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with loved ones. Here's a couple pics of the boys on Christmas eve and Christmas day.

On Christmas Eve we did crafts, played outside, made Jesus's birthday cake and after church we set some cake out for Santa. The celery and carrots were for the reindeer; I insisted since Andy always chooses chocolate cake with chocolate icing. He knows what Santa likes. *smile*

On Christmas morning Dane went downstairs with Andy and discovered Santa had left lots of toys and he and the reindeer ate their snacks. He woke me up excitedly telling about all the gifts and the cake and the..."Is it time to open gifts mommmy?" I smiled and groggily got up; he immediately tore into a gift just as I was sitting down. I asked Andy if it was his to which he replied, "I don't know." Drake was hungry and not really interested, so we pulled his highchair into the livingroom and he ate while Dane tore into gifts and "helped" Drake open his.

While Andy cut some wood and Drake slept, Dane and I did another craft and played some of his new games. I never heard of Hi-Ho Cherry-O and though I do alot of things with my boys, I must say playing this game 3 times in a row is one of the less-than-exciting high-lights of my afternoon.
Over-all a wonderful day with my family.


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