Bye for now
Here's Dane feeding T-Bone the Cheerios he insisted he have (a new way he's learned to post-pone bedtime when I say, "Lets clean up our toys and brush our teeth.") I left the room and came back to him putting little toys inside the recorder (orange thing in his left hand) and feeding T-Bone. I knew something was up when I heard him giggling hysterically. Unfortunatley I couldn't get to the camera quick enough to get the belly laughs. Sleepy, slap-happy kids are the best!
Here's Drake in his exer-saucer. Sorry about the jerkiness; I was trying to improve the lighting. Here he was squealing and jumping, but after taking 4 videos I just settled for getting a couple little squeals and enjoying the real loud laughter when I wasn't taping.
And this is just cute. I have more bath time videos, but they aren't PG version.