Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Raising "D" Boys: Bye for now

Raising "D" Boys

The joys of raising Dane & Drake.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Bye for now

This is a sad, but exciting time for us; we're saying goodbye to the home we've lived in for 7 years, but we're moving into the home we've been building for what seems like 7 years! Our U-Haul is ordered and we're almost completely packed, living with minimal clothing, blankets and eating on paper plates with plastic silverware...can you say spork! When we get settled I'll have some pictures of the house for everyone to see. Till then here's some clips of my boys:

Here's Dane feeding T-Bone the Cheerios he insisted he have (a new way he's learned to post-pone bedtime when I say, "Lets clean up our toys and brush our teeth.") I left the room and came back to him putting little toys inside the recorder (orange thing in his left hand) and feeding T-Bone. I knew something was up when I heard him giggling hysterically. Unfortunatley I couldn't get to the camera quick enough to get the belly laughs. Sleepy, slap-happy kids are the best!

Here's Drake in his exer-saucer. Sorry about the jerkiness; I was trying to improve the lighting. Here he was squealing and jumping, but after taking 4 videos I just settled for getting a couple little squeals and enjoying the real loud laughter when I wasn't taping.

And this is just cute. I have more bath time videos, but they aren't PG version.


  • At March 29, 2007 at 7:50:00 AM PDT , Blogger Shannon said...

    The boys are so cute and I am so glad to hear that you are finally moving into your house. I remember when we met in Vegas lastyear that you we either just starting it or had just started it.
    I can't wait to see the pictures!!



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