4 skiers this trip!
This was by the elevator on a luggage rack. Of course Andy took a picture of it: He said, "Nothing good can come of a beer can and a rubber glove."
Here are all 3 of my boys in their matching snow suits, ready to go skiing:)
Notice the marble run in front of the fireplace...Drake got that for Christmas; he plays with it for hours by himself, literally, hours! I make a new design for him every day, because that's my fun in it. Much like the wooden Thomas/Brio track system; it's an addiction. They lay down for a nap and wake to a new set-up.
Here's Drake patiently waiting for his ski instructor. Right outside that window is a tunnel coming out of the mountain that trains came through several times a day. Very exciting for all of us to ski and see the train at the bottom of the hill.
And here's Dane getting ready to meet up with his instructor.
The 2nd day Dane skied with Andy and I. When he got tired he would just sit down, so I sat down with him. I'm waving at Daddy who is waiting for us. One thing about Dane is he's got my energy and attention span, so we never sat more than a minute.
Here we are at a restaurant 1/2 way down the mountain having some soup and hot chocolate.
Please, no comments on the no make-up and hat head!
And lastly, we left on Valentines day for our trip. Here's a card the boys made for me (with Andy's help). Andy made one for me also, but that's for MY eyes only *wink*