Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Raising "D" Boys: Basketball season

Raising "D" Boys

The joys of raising Dane & Drake.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Basketball season

Basketball season has started for Dane. He had his 1st practice and game last Saturday. Dribbling is hard, but he can score without a hitch! And watch out other players because he's NOT watching out for you! Here's some high-lights of the game: practicing... Running/dribbling down the court... Scoring! Running back to defend hoop after score:) And last, but not least, here's a video of another one of his scores with a little victory dance to end it with...but no time to celebrate...get back down to the other side of the court!

*forget the video...after 2 hours of it "uploading", I've given up*

Most importantly Dane had fun and can't wait to play again. It was hilarious watching the kids. Much like in soccer, it was a swarm of kids following a ball around and upon catching up to it, most would fall on it or run with it in their arms. So funny!


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