Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Raising "D" Boys: July 2007

Raising "D" Boys

The joys of raising Dane & Drake.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

4th of July trip

We went on our usual 4th of July trip to our good friend's home in Jefferson City. Mike and Dana have 2 boys, Dillon and Dallas (3 and 5 y/old). We have our own room set up and don't have to bring any baby stuff, so it makes it nice. Plus we get to visit the rest of our friends up there.

Dane wants to "help" so here's his input:

I think he wants you to see how well he learned to ride a bike and how much fun he had on Dallas and Dillon's water slide.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

The other side too

Several people have e-mailed me about the "outside" of our home...which as you'll soon notice has lots of work to be done as well. But here are the pics. Grass is coming in and I've put in several perennial mulch flower beds. And I've quickly found out that deer like hostas...hmmm. That explains local green houses advertising "deer safe" plants. So I guess next year when I'm replanting what doesn't survive, I'll pay attention, maybe. *wink*

And here's a quick example of what happens when a 2 year old is left alone with a marker and a magazine....he becomes the canvas! It was on his face, hands and other "unmentionable" places, but we only took a picture of his belly.