Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Raising "D" Boys: February 2007

Raising "D" Boys

The joys of raising Dane & Drake.

Friday, February 23, 2007

BRRRR it's cold

We finally hit "freezing" here in St. Louis. And I mean that literally; our temperatures rose 28 degrees to the freezing mark of 32! As you can see from Dane's little red cheeks, nose, and's brrr cold, but he didn't let it stop him from playing outside for a whopping 5 minutes. Which was long enough for me as well.

And here's Drake in his bouncy chair, being his usual cute and happy self.

Say "cheese" Dane. He was so happy to be going somewhere he had his cars, books, cow and bear and also wanted to somehow carry his juice. I suggested he get his backpack. Usually the mere mention of that leads to a meltdown because he doesn't like it on his back, but this time he said "ya" and happily followed me to his closet to get it. So of course I had to get a picture of him looking like a little boy with his Dr. Seuss back pack.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Watch us grow!

Here are both boys at 3 months...can you guess which one is which?

How about now? Here they are at 6 months...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Brotherly love

I love it when Dane does something great for Drake and I can actually capture the moments on film. He's read to Drake in the past and it was so cute that I contemplated "staging" it for the picture. Thankfully reading is such a treasured activity in our home, I didn't have to!
We have been crazy busy painting and laying hardwood flooring and ceramic tiling in our home. We'll be in by March 1st...yaaah, then we can spend evenings and weekends together a family.

Look I'm sitting!

Drake has been practicing and has finally learned to sit. I use Tabitha (our misunderstood Tom Cat) as motivation to lean forward, however Drake doesn't mind when he falls back either!