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Raising "D" Boys

The joys of raising Dane & Drake.

Monday, July 7, 2008


Well, we did it again...we took the boys on the train. This time to Chicago. Here's how excited they were on the way there...

And here's a couple shots while we're at the Navy Pier overlooking the Lake, the Chicago skyline behind us and getting ready to ride some rides...

Our last day we stayed at Darla's condo and BBQ'd and swam in her pool (several times) and played horse shoes. Here's the boys afterwards in their bed that evening.

And since we had to get up and be on the train by they are on the ride home. Andy didn't like the idea of getting up so early, but he has since learned to sacrafice his own sleeping (kinda)

for the boys sleeping 3 of the 5 hours on the train. In Andy's words, it is "worth the inconvenience." Can you tell that I like to get photos of them sleeping?

We really did do more than take naps, but we were so busy, I rarely stopped to "capture the moments". It was a wonderful trip. There's a couple more things I'd like to have done and visited and I'm sure since there was a HUGE Tattoo convention, Andy would have liked to visited that as well. Two more days would have been nice and we wouldn't have felt so rushed, but we have a company to run and though we had the business phone forwarded, we felt the urgency to get home.

Oh, and speaking of our company. Just this past week we had 3 more Master's level counselors approach us about positions within our company. So, yes we're interviewing 3 more. Two of which we know already and the other a friend and past co-worker of one of our current employees. Whew, business is booming!


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