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Raising "D" Boys

The joys of raising Dane & Drake.

Friday, May 23, 2008

What are you up to?

As I'm sitting at the computer writing the thankyou letter to Drake's doctor and his team for being so awesome (by the way after I sealed the envelope, Andy brought home the mail and we had a bill from him...figures!). So anyway, I hear Dane encouraging Drake and saying "Let's go down here." and "Hold my hand Drakie." "This will be fun." So I peaked my head out of the study and saw them going down the stairs. Dane was being helpful by holding Drake's hand so he wouldn't have to go down backwards. I have no idea what they did down there in the basement, but I went down later and Dane had turned all lights off when they came back upstairs. I have a suspicion Dane was checking out our "Christmas Train"; he likes to look and admire it every day or so.


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