Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Raising "D" Boys: spring pics

Raising "D" Boys

The joys of raising Dane & Drake.

Monday, May 5, 2008

spring pics

ER visit anyone? On Friday evening (of course, why would it happen at 9am on a Monday!) while going outside to play, T-Bone got excited and knocked Drake down in the garage. Drake fell on the sensor which stops the garage door from going down if something moves in the trip to the ER/Urgent Care, but gave me a scare. And of course our house medic (Andy) wasn't home. It quit bleeding pretty quick and Drake began to play, so I decided to stay home with them. Good choice; it's healing well.
Here's a couple cute pics of the boys enjoying our spring weather. Note the two of them trying to fit on the truck; now they both insist on doing what the other one is doing...all the time...constant battles. Funny to watch because it's rediculous! We've done tons of things, but I'm slacking on the camera shots. Most of the time it's when we're in the car that I realize I've forgot the camera.

Happy Cinco de Mayo


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