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Raising "D" Boys

The joys of raising Dane & Drake.

Friday, September 21, 2007

What's that smell?

I know, by the title of this entry, you're probably thinking...duh! You have a baby in diapers and another one potty training...Well, you're way off's how our evening went....

After Andy came home from work and we ate dinner, we went for our usual walk. It was dark on our way home and T-Bone was doing his normal scurrying around everything. When suddenly we smelled this strong odor. Andy says, "What's that smell?" I reply, "I think it's garlic." Don't ask me why, but that's the 1st thing that came to my mind and it was near our neighbors culvert and I thought they may have put it in there to ward off critters. Much like the racoon critters that climb up two decks and eat my humming bird feed...anyway, the smell was horrible and we concluded it was a skunk and realized we both heard a spraying/hissing sound shortly before we smelled it.

So we're thinking, "Wow, T-Bone really stinks" and he's running around and rubbing in the grass...but wait...WE stink too! As does Dane and Drake, the stroller, the diaper bag in the stroller, etc. So we hurry home in a gagging fashion. There's humor here; imagine Andy pushing the stroller with both boys in it and trying to hold his shirt over his nose so he won't gag. Meanwhile I'm still trying to get T-Bone to hold still so I can see if it's really him that stinks and then once I get a good whiff of him, I proceed to gag.

So we make it home and while I put both boys in the bath immediately, Andy throws all of our clothes in wash and jumps in the shower himself. When he's done he takes over with the boys' baths and I proceed to give T-Bone a bath. I go out there and poor little guy has puked on our front porch and has pink pukey drool hanging from his mouth. This of course makes my natural gag reflex kick in...AGAIN (oh, if I could have been a fly on the wall)...after 2 good washings (outside, of course) he still stinks. I go upstairs and take a shower, Andy looks up some concoction on the internet involving peroxide, baking soda and dishwashing soap and goes and gives it a try on our poor dog.

T-Bone is smelling better, it's almost 11pm and I just finished drying him off. He's in the garage. *sniff* First time in his whole 8 years of life that he hasn't slept either in my bed or beside my bed. I feel bad for ya pup, but you stink!

Oh, and the while the boys were swimming I gave T-Bone his very 1st bath at our new house....figures!

Here's some cute pictures of Dane and Drake at the park this morning.


  • At September 23, 2007 at 7:39:00 PM PDT , Blogger G Family said...

    ahh...the smell of skunk...the scary thing is that you actually get used to that smell after awhile! love the story...

    love the pictures, too! we know that park! we go there all the time - give us a call and we'll meet you sometime!


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