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Raising "D" Boys

The joys of raising Dane & Drake.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

who's your teddy?

On our way to church this morning we were stopped by a huge tree blocking our only way out of our much for 4-wheel drive; our Durango slipped on wet grass trying to go around it! So we backed all the way home and as Andy and Dane headed to our neighbors with their chain saws, I called Larry and Sharon to tell them about the new batch of firewood they were about to acquire.

So you're asking what does that have to do with teddy bears? NOTHING, I was just giving you an update on our morning and thought I'd throw in a picture of Dane's little pride and joys...much like me, he totes them around in a stroller, shares juice and snacks and tucks them into bed and threatens to take away the binky if they don't quit yelling from bed. Dane took this picture Tuesday while I was working on the computer and he asked me to hold them while he made their lunch!


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