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Raising "D" Boys

The joys of raising Dane & Drake.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Iron Kid Dane!

Dane did the IronKids triathlon competition in Kansas a few weeks ago.  I'm so proud of him.  Here's what it entailed:   
50 yard swim
2 mile bike ride
500 yard run

WOW!  And he did great!

Here he is as the sun comes up at 5:30am riding to the starting point.  He had to get all of his gear in the different transition spots before the competition started at 7am.

Here's Dane and Drake checking out the swimming route.

 And here's Dane (still waiting) in front of transition 1 (T-1) where his bike and gear is parked for after his swim.
 Almost go time!
 Drake has on his cow-bell.  He's ready to cheer on big brother!
 In line with his age group (6-8 year olds)
 He's next.  Kids were staggered with starting times so they wouldn't swim over each other.  Everyone is timed separately with the time chip on their ankles.
 And he's in the water....
 And he's out of the water, on his way to T-1 where his bike, helmit and shoes are waiting.
 Running and taking gear off.

 He's 7, is this real?  He's really doing a triathalon?  Go Dane Go!

 And he's off again.  This bike ride started off with a 3/4 mile long hill....ughh.
 Andy said he wouldn't be one of those parents chasing their child up the hill with a camera because, "that's ridiculous."  Well he did!  And I would have too, but Drake wasn't having any of that.  In fact I had to carry him up most of it.  Remember we were on the road at 5 from the hotel to get Dane set up.  By this time, he'd had enough.
 Up the hill, around a couple loops and now towards T-2 (transition from bike to run).

 Park bike, helmit off and run baby run!
 Down the finish line...HERE HE COMES! 
 Cow-bells, screaming.  GO DANE!  Yes, I am a crazy mom! 
 And a proud one too:)
 Congratulations Dane


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