Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Raising "D" Boys: Triathlon-Kansas City

Raising "D" Boys

The joys of raising Dane & Drake.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Triathlon-Kansas City

Finally...the much anticipated pictures of the triathlon.  Andy has been training like crazy for this and it paid off.  He had a great finishing time and felt good throughout and at the end.  As we speak, he is training for the 1/2 Ironman, which is in 2 weeks.  But for now....his latest adventure:

Andy and Rob preparing for the swim (Dane and Drake on either side of Rob)

 Both of them watching the Professionals start their swim

Andy's age group (red caps) waiting to leave the "gate" to do 1500 meter swim.

Andy after his swim...he's smiling and getting ready to high-five us.
Looking Great!

Dane and Drake waiting with their cowbells (to make lots of noise) and the sign we made.  We're waiting for Andy after his transition from the swim to his biking leg of this race.

Here he is...saddling up and going!

This would be the longest they are on the blanket drawing pictures for Dad and enjoying snacks while he rides his bike.

He flew past us when finishing his here he is entering the transition area to begin his run.

And for the last leg...10k run...white shirt, red hat...still going strong and smiling:)

At the end...Rob and Alana

Rob and Andy packing up bikes


Our family picture....strategically placed in front of the porta potties...instead of standing a few feet over and having the lake as our backdrop!

I'm so PROUD of you ANDY!


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