Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Raising "D" Boys: Rock N Roll Marathon

Raising "D" Boys

The joys of raising Dane & Drake.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Rock N Roll Marathon

Andy left the house at 5am this morning...ok, that being said, it's time for bed now! 

After he headed out, I worked out, did the blog below, wrote a paper and then got the boys up and going and headed down town.  Andy estimated finishing sometime around the 3.5 hour mark.  So we got downtown at the 2.5 hour mark to make sure we wouldn't get caught up in traffic, get lost or not find a parking spot since there were 21,000 runners. (yes 3 zeros!)

We had some time to spare!  Here Drake and Dane are posing at the park with the sign we made last week.

 Here we are playing connect 4 at around the 3.5 hour mark and anxiously awaiting our *star*
I also brought UNO, but we didn't get to that; karate kicking the tree was more appealing for a while.
 There he is.....Yay....GO DAD!  (he's in the yellow shirt; he had matching ones made for all of us:)
 What?  He's limping and has a bandage...and he's still're crazy!
We are so Proud of're awesome!  Most people don't even walk 26 miles in a week and you ran it in a day!
 And a picture from the boys' view:)
He says he's "watching" the game (Cardinals in the World Series, game 4), but everytime I go in to check on him he's sleeping.  Good night baby, you need the rest:)


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