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Raising "D" Boys

The joys of raising Dane & Drake.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Disney Cruise

We had an amazing time on our 7 day Disney cruise. It was the first time we have traveled pager and cell phone free. NO WORK, not even if we wanted to because we had NO service. And another bonus - because we booked through the military we got a coupon for a 5 day vacation condo in the US, Mexico or Canada. We just have to pay for airfare; we're thinking we'll return to Mexico in January so we'll be tan for our February ski trip:)

We had a few glitches: Both boys started the trip out with ear aches (discovered Dane's because his hurt on the flight down and Drake developed a fever our 1st night.) Both were seen at urgent care (yes, the ship has this...for a special cost of ridiculous). After the first day of antibiotics all was good. Then upon arriving home we discovered our luggage didn't; they delivered it the next night to our home. Again all was good. AND when we got to our Durango at the airport parking lot the tire was very low; luckily there was a gas station close by and we aired up. Andy purchased a warranty with the tires and it was fixed the next day. So once again, all good!

Warning-I had ALOT of pictures to choose from (not including the professional shots we just HAD to buy!) and I did my best to narrow it down to these...enjoy

On the plane watching a movie

A visit with the Captain during a brief lay-over

Our 1st night; we came back from dinner and our host had turned down our beds and had this elephant creature waiting for us.

our 3rd day we stopped at Tortola (British Virgin Island)

Drakie's done, spell it with me: D O N E, done!


Us in St. Thomas; one of the islands Andy and I spent a week at for our honeymoon. We drove by our resort and went to the same beach with the boys. Still beautiful as ever.

Breakfast with the characters (Dane and Drake stayed in their superman pj's) They fit in nicely.

There's Mickey; he'll be over here soon!

While waiting our waiter made character hats for all of us. Drake had a Goofy hat and Dane had Peter Pan's. We are unsure what ours were.

Hi Mickey Mouse!

The Mickey Mouse pool

Dane coming down the Mickey Mouse slide

now Drake's turn

Our sunset dinner; we opted not to eat in the formal dining room and eat pizza and burgers on the top deck. Lots of reasons this was my favorite dinner: the sunset, the boys could get up and play and not have to sit through appetizers, salads, dinner and dessert and immmediately after we ate, we jumped in the Mickey Mouse pool that we had to ourselves.

A lobster creature; coincidently I ate lobster for dinner and it was mmm mmm good

This was the first time they experienced bunk beds; they would rush in the room to watch cartoons from the top. By the way, the TV had only Disney shows, cartoons, movies...

Our 3rd island stop, Disney's island, Castaway Cay. This was Dane's first time snorkling; he caught on pretty quick. They had all kinds of things to view down there (Mickey and Minnie with a buried treasure and sunken ships) Disney goes all out and thinks of everything.

Drake fell asleep again. This time as we were heading back to get on the ship.


At the airport heading home. Notice a pattern of Drake "resting"? We kept them busy!

Drake didn't make it; he fell asleep before take-off and didn't wake up until we landed!

Dane and I playing games on my phone.

Finally a picture of Dane asleep, in the car on the way home from the airport.


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